The Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Education and Sports initiated the Uganda Teacher and School Effectiveness Project (UTSEP). UTSEP is a $100m (more than sh360b) project, funded by Global Partnership for Education (GPE) through World Bank, as the Grant agent. The project was developed to support the Government in the implementation of the Education Sector Strategic Plan, by improving teacher and school effectiveness in the Public Primary education system in the country. It is centered on improving education service delivery at the classroom level, so as to realize meaningful gains in overall student performance in primary education.
The project commenced in March 2015 and is expected to close by March 2020.
UTSEP’s intervention in primary education has largely focused on enhancing teacher and instructor competencies and practices, supply of instructional materials for learners and teachers, intensifying teacher supervision and school inspections, increasing the capacity of school leadership and accountability to the community and improving basic school facilities.
MoES/UTSEP: Map showing project intervention